
A Checklist for Your Spring Home Exterior Maintenance

A Checklist for Your Spring Home Exterior Maintenance

March 2022 by Heartland Roofing Siding and Windows

Spring Home Exterior Maintenance

Cleaning the exterior of your home is one of the main activities Minneapolis homeowners do in spring. While you may have a perfect plan to clean out your closet and dust the furniture, your home’s exterior also needs the same amount of attention. Here is a short checklist that you can use to maintain your home’s exterior during spring.

  1. Start With an Overall Inspection
    Your spring home maintenance should start with an inspection of the exterior. Walk around the property to find out anything that may have been damaged or needs to be repaired. You may find that winter may have made some elements of your home exterior to become susceptible to damage. Elements such as the deck, gutters, windows, and roof tend to be the common culprits.
  1. Check Your Gutters and Downspouts
    Make sure that your gutters and downspouts are clear and free of leaves and debris. Any clogging can cause the gutters and downspouts to rot, which makes them ineffective. Simply spraying some water on the roof with a hosepipe will help you determine whether there are any leaks and whether the gutters are draining properly. If your area had been hit by heavy snow, you may need to check whether the weight of the snow caused the gutters to detach from the house.
  1. Inspect the Roof
    Be sure to inspect the roof for any damages caused by the winter storms. You do not have to grab a ladder and climb to inspect how well the roof is. Simply walk around the property checking for any visible damage. You may also use a pair of binoculars to identify specific damages on the roof. You should be looking for missing or cracked shingles, damaged flashing, or anything that does not seem right.
  1. Inspect Exterior Walls and Siding
    Depending on your type of siding, you can make it look as good as new with power washing. This will remove all the mold and other outdoor stains that may have accumulated during winter. While washing the exterior walls, check for openings and cracks as they may provide habitat for small insects like termites that can get inside the wall and cause more damage.
  1. Clean the Windows
    When cleaning the windows, start by looking at the seals, caulking, and weather stripping. Any cracks or damages on either of these can lead to unwanted water and air entering your home. Once you have established that these are intact, you can start cleaning your windows using appropriate cleaning solutions. You can also make your own solution by mixing white vinegar, alcohol, and water.
  1. Check Porches and Decks
    Inspect your wood decks for rotting or deteriorating wood as it can cause a serious safety hazard if left untreated. Try to make it a habit of pressure washing the deck once a year using the lowest pressure. Remember to check for any damages from pests such as termites.
  1. Inspect Foundations
    Check the foundation walls, concrete, floors, and masonry for leaks, cracking, or deterioration. Do not ignore even the smallest cracks as they can allow water to enter your home and cause more damage.
  1. Revamp the Landscape and Vegetation
    You also need to check your home landscape and vegetation for that complete look. Shrub back and trim your trees to prevent any protruding branches to cause damage to your property exterior. Consider raking up any twigs or leaves that scatter across your lawn.
  1. Get Professional Help
    A complete spring home exterior maintenance is not as easy as it sounds. You may need a professional to check certain things for you or you simply lack enough time to do everything by yourself. Heartland Roofing Siding and SOLAR offer quality home maintenance services to residents and businesses in Minneapolis MN.  Call us at 800-681-4169 or on our CONTACT PAGE to request an appointment from one of our trained professional inspectors.

A Checklist for Your Spring Home Exterior Maintenance2022-05-02T10:09:45-05:00

Roof Maintenance Tips for Spring

Roof Maintenance Tips for Spring

February 2022 by Heartland Roofing Siding and Windows

heartland roofing spring 20222

Just like any other season, you need to prepare your roof for spring. The condition of your roofing may have been greatly affected by heavy snow, wind, or ice experienced throughout the cold season. Therefore, conducting springtime roof maintenance is necessary to ensure your roof is ready for the season change. Here are some of the top roof maintenance tips for spring right here in and around Minneapolis MN.

  1. Check for Flashing Damage
    The first thing you need to look for is the flashing, which connects different elements like windows and skylights to your roof. The flashing may also be the point at which two slopes of your roof meet. Check for any cracked caulking that may need to be re-caulked or replaced if there is rust.
  1. Examine the Shingles
    With Shingles, you may not be able to see any damages from the ground, especially when you do not know where to look. Getting a professional to have a look at the roof’s shingle will help in ensuring everything is working. Our Heartland Roofing Siding and Windows professionals will examine whether the shingles are damaged, curling, or loose and determine whether they need replacement.
  1. Clean the Gutters
    With the end of the cold season, your roof may be cluttered with debris, which will prevent rainwater from running safely off your roof. As the spring season starts, have your gutters cleaned and see if they if any damages need fixing. Working with our team of roof professionals can help you in examining the gutter and repairing any damages found.
  1. Look for Water Damage
    The winter season can be extremely harsh and leave lasting damages on your roof, if you have noticed water damage or leaks on your ceiling, your roof is probably damaged. This could have been caused by ice dams formed during winter or debris that was lying on your roof. Even if it is a small leak you have noticed, it needs to be fixed as soon as possible. Failure to address the problem can result in your roof rotting and destroying the insulation.

Work with Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Windows here in Greater Minneapolis MN.

If you want a professional to work on your roof during this winter season, reach out to us.

Think you need repair or want a professional opinion about your roof’s health? Call us at 800-681-4169 or on our CONTACT PAGE to request an appointment from one of our trained professional inspectors.

Roof Maintenance Tips for Spring2022-03-08T09:42:39-06:00

Should the Color of My Roof Match My Siding?

Should the Color of My Roof Match My Siding?

January 2022 by Heartland Roofing Siding and Windows

shingle colors

Are you planning to repaint your home’s exterior? Choosing exterior paint colors can be quite a challenge, especially if you’re a first-time homeowner. While coming up with color ideas, many homeowners don’t pay much attention to the color of the roof. Does it matter?

Well, it turns out that your home’s roof has a significant impact on curb appeal and overall aesthetic appeal of your home. Ignoring the roof can easily lead to color clashing, excessive color-matching, or an uncoordinated color scheme.

Mind the Roof

Whether you just finished building your new home, or you’re doing a quick exterior repaint, pay close attention to the color and material of your house. Some of the most common roof materials include metal, shingle, asphalt, and clay. These materials come in different colors.

You don’t need to match your roof color with your siding color, but they need to be in harmony. When choosing your siding color, start with what you already have. If you’re attempting to match the siding color with an existing roof color, the general rule is; pair a cool siding color with a cool roof color, and warm siding color with a warm roof color.

For instance, if you have a warm-colored roof such as rusty tan or brick red, choose a warm color for the siding, such as brown, beige or tan. If the roof has a cool color such as slate gray or black, choose a similarly cool color like green, gray or blue.

If you have a classic roof shingle, an earth-colored exterior wall would be a great combination. Multicolored shingles might gleam in purples, blues, reds, greens, and grays up close; however, some of these fine color details might not be visible from the street. So, stand about 30-50 meters away from your property to see what color of the roof is dominant.

Other things to consider

  • Consider the Colors of Unpainted Materials–each home has features that often don’t get painted, this could be brick, stone, vinyl windows, chimney, natural wooden door, etc. Choose a siding color that harmonizes with the colors already present in your house. Any other naturally occurring materials that don’t need paint should also be considered
  • Surrounding nature–there’re plenty of color ideas in the landscaping around your house. If there’re plenty of trees, an earthy palette of browns and greens would be appropriate. A beach setting might be a cue for painting your exterior with turquoises or vivid blues.
  • The neighborhood–look at neighboring homes for some colors ideas, but don’t copy the exact color scheme. Choose colors that set your home apart but avoid too much contrast that might clash with the overall color scheme of your neighborhood.

The Bottom Line

Choosing a color scheme for your home shouldn’t be a struggle. Start by considering the above basic guidelines and pay close attention to your roof while at it. Most homeowners don’t factor in the color of their roof when choosing an exterior color. Additionally, be sure to factor in your personal color preferences, after all, it’s your home.

Work with Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Windows here in Greater Minneapolis MN.

If you want a professional to work on your roof during this winter season, reach out to us.

Think you need repair or want a professional opinion about your roof’s health? Call us at 800-681-4169 or on our CONTACT PAGE to request an appointment from one of our trained professional inspectors.

Should the Color of My Roof Match My Siding?2022-02-09T16:08:31-06:00

Top 9 Winter Home Maintenance Tips

Top 9 Winter Home Maintenance Tips

December 2021 by Heartland Roofing Siding and Windows

Merry Christmas from Heartland

Minnesota winters usually consist of sipping hot cocoa, building snowmen, and cozying up by the fire. Home maintenance is probably in the back of your mind, but there’s plenty you can do to keep your home in tip-top shape that can keep you from having to do extra work in the spring.

We’ve compiled a list of the top 9 winter home maintenance tips to follow this season.

  1. Driveway: Keep snow shoveled away from your foundation, garage, parking spots, and driveway. Flag the edges of your driveway and sidewalks to prevent damage to your lawn and landscaping during snow removal/plowing. We DO NOT recommend using any type of salt on your sidewalks or driveway as it can cause cracks/pitting and decompose sod/soil. Instead, we strongly encourage homeowners to use sand/crushed rock instead to reduce your environmental impact and maintain the product warranties.
  2. Air Conditioner/Furnace: Continue the habit of regularly replacing your air filters (We recommend monthly replacement)
    • Exterior: Clear 2 feet of space around outdoor AC & heat units
    • Exterior: Keep AC & heat units free of leaves, pollen, and grass
    • Interior: Never close more than 20% of your home’s registers to avoid placing unnecessary strain on the HVAC system
    • Adjust your humidifiers according to the exterior temps, to prevent increased humidity levels.
  3. Windows: Interior window condensation is caused by excessive moisture in the house and often occurs in the winter months when the warm air inside the house condenses on the cold windows.
    • Seal up cracks around the windows with caulk or weather stripping
    • Use exhaust fans and vents inside the kitchen, bathrooms, and laundry room. Bathroom exhaust fans, in particular, should be used for at least 15 minutes prior to and following every shower or bath.
    • Make sure all drapes and blinds are open during the day, so humidity isn’t trapped between the window treatment and window.
    • Clean window tracks with equal parts vinegar and water. Use a cotton swab to get in tight spaces
  4. Faucets: If temperatures drop below 20 degrees, open your faucets to allow for slow dripping. This will help avoid frozen pipes.
  5. Fireplace: If you haven’t done so yet, have your fireplace cleaned. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) advises that homeowners have their heating equipment and chimneys cleaned and inspected every year by qualified professionals, and to remember to shut off portable heaters when leaving a room or going to bed.
  6. Fans: In the winter months, turn the switch on your ceiling fan to run clockwise at low speed to help distribute the heat in your home.
  7. Thermostats: Regularly check or set automation on smart thermostats to maximize efficiency.
  8. Floors: With tracked-in snow, ice, and salt your floors can take a beating in the winter. Add floor mats to entryways and high traffic areas of the home to protect your floors. Make sure to wipe up excess moisture from melted snow off boots off the floor. Also, it is important to maintain humidity levels to prevent the wood floor from shrinking or cracking.
  9.  Clothes Dryer: Check on vents and hoses for lint. Vacuum any excess

Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Windows Can Help
Winters surrounding Minnetonka are always cold, and your home has an increased risk of getting roof damage. Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Windows, experts help in protecting your roof from such menace.  Give us a call today at (800) 681-4169 to schedule a roof inspection and ensure that your roof is in good shape. Don’t let the cold season ruin your roof.

Top 9 Winter Home Maintenance Tips2021-12-21T12:27:22-06:00

How to Prevent Ice Dams

How to Prevent Ice Dams

November 2021 by Heartland Roofing Siding and Windows

ice dams

The cold season in Minnesota can put your roof under pressure. Freezing temperatures, snow, and ice can be a cause of roof damage. Therefore, proper preparation for the cold season can help you protect your roof and keep everything in shape. While doing so, take the right measures to prevent ice dams and other causes of damages during winter. If you live here in Greater Minneapolis and the surrounding Twin Cities area, our experts at Heartland Roofing, Siding and Windows can help you prepare appropriately.

What is an Ice Dam?
Simply put, ice dams form on slanted roofs when the snow on the roof melts due to the heat from the attic. The cause of the ice dam could also be due to the warm attic, causing the water to trickle down.

Preventing Ice Dams
Since ice dams are caused by the melting ice, prevention involves keeping the roof cold. You can do this by ensuring proper insulation of the roof and ventilation of the attic. Check whether your attic is properly insulated and if any upgrades are needed to prevent ice dams from forming.

When upgrading the insulation, choose insulation materials with a high R-value to reduce loss of heat by condition. On the other hand, attic ventilation allows heated air to escape in a controlled manner. This helps in keeping the roof colder while reducing incidences of melting snow.

Importance of a Healthy Roof
The most effective way of preventing ice dams is having a healthy roof. This means ensuring that the roof is fully functional, and does not have any leaks or weak spots. If ice dams form on your roof, water builds up and starts to seep under shingles into the house. You can notice this if you see a large icicle or several small icicles hanging from the roof. You may also find ice in your downspouts or gutters, which causes the water to back up behind it and enter into the house.

How Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Windows Can Help
Winters surrounding Minnetonka are always cold, and your home has an increased risk of getting ice dams. At Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Windows, our experts help in protecting your roof from such menace. Give us a call today at (800) 681-4169 to schedule a roof inspection, and ensure that your roof is in good shape. Don’t let the cold season ruin your roof.

How to Prevent Ice Dams2021-11-29T11:10:54-06:00

Should You Replace Your Roof During Winter?

Should You Replace Your Roof During Winter?

October 2021 by Heartland Roofing Siding and Windows

taking a picture of house before winter

Living in Minnesota, means that you must prepare your home for the cold winter season. The year-round roofing service can be beneficial to keep your roof in good condition. Getting a roofing contractor to check on your roof during the cold season, can ensure that everything is in good condition. However, roofing services during the winter season can be more difficult than any other time of the year because of the following reasons:

  1. It’s too cold outside: Most people argue that the weather is too cold outside for the roof to be replaced. However, it does not really mean that no work can be done on your roof. Quite literally, the roof does not care and neither does the staff doing the installation. Just call in the contractor and you will be amazed that the cold outside will not bother them. After all, they will be working from indoors.
  2. The snow on the roof is too much: People worry that the snow on the roof can be too much to have any work done of the roof. Shoveling the snow off a roof is not that much of a big deal. The roofing contractor will take only about an hour to remove the snow and get the work started. Being professional, they will use their experience to ensure safety and provide the best service possible.

Why You Should Consider Replacing Your Roof During Winter

There is clearly no big reason why you should not have your roof replaced during winter. In fact, this is still a good time to ensure your roofing is in shape. If you are still having doubts, here are four reasons why you should consider replacing your roof during the cold season:

  1. Ice Dams Cause Leaks: Living here in Minnesota, the winter season will test your roof and home in significant ways. The dreaded ice dams are a common cause of leaks. The ice dams are formed over the eaves of the house as the snow melts and runs down the roof, then refreeze at the edge. If the ice dams are causing your roof to leak, it could be a great time to redo your roof and fix it properly.
  2. Faster Roof Installation Service: The roofing contractors are usually not as busy during winter. Therefore, contracting Heartland Roofing Siding and Windows to redo your roof during winter means the work will be completed faster. If you hold off until the 500warmer period, the process will likely take longer.
  3. Bad Roofs Become Worse During Winter: If your roof was bad before winter, it will only get worse when the winter hits. This means repairing it during spring will likely cost you more. Instead of waiting for the worst, just give a roofing contractor a call and get them fixing those bad areas.
  4. Save Money during the Slowed Time of the Year: As mentioned earlier, the winter season is the slowest for roofing contractors. You will likely get a better discount during this period and have the re-roofing process completed faster.

Work with Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Windows

If you want a professional to work on your roof during this winter season, reach out to Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Windows.

Think you need repair or want a professional opinion about your roof’s health? Call us at 800-681-4169 or on our CONTACT PAGE to request an appointment from one of our trained professional inspectors.

Should You Replace Your Roof During Winter?2021-10-28T17:02:39-05:00

A Checklist for Home Maintenance During Fall

A Checklist for Home Maintenance During Fall

September 2021 by Heartland Roofing Siding and Windows

home maintenance checklist

Fall is a great time to maintain your home and get it in shape for the cooler months ahead. With winter just around the corner, you may take advantage of the moderate weather to repair any damages. Here is a checklist for home maintenance ideas this fall.

Exterior Maintenance

  • Inspect the Foundation: Check for any cracks in the foundation and caulk around areas where wires or pipes enter the house, masonry meets siding, and around door and windows frames to prevent heat from escaping. Any opening in the structure will allow water to get in and freeze, causing cracks and mold to build up. A careful inspection of the outside structure during fall following by inexpensive maintenance can save you money in the long term.
  • Inspect Exterior Walls: A quick check on the exterior walls allows you to check whether any paint is blistering or peeling. In that case, the existing paint is failing and can no longer protect the siding of the house. To avoid incurring expensive repairs in the future, correct it during summer and protect the siding from deteriorating.
  • Remove Screens and Install Storm Doors and Windows: As you prepare to store, clean, and repair screens, start by spraying with a protective coating and place them in a dry area of the garage or basement
  • Examine the Roof: Make sure your roof is in good shape by inspecting for loose and missing shingles. Bad weather such as rain, ice, snow, wind, and rapidly changing humidity and temperatures can wreak havoc on roofs. Proactive repairs will keep your roof in good shape and offer safety to your house for longer.
  • Clean out Gutter and Downspouts: Clean any leaves that may have fallen on the gutters and downspouts by flushing them with water. Make sure you inspect joints, tighten any loose brackets, and replace old or damaged gutters.
  • Weather-strip Garage Door: Examine the seal between the ground and the garage door, making sure it is tight to prevent draft or small animals from getting in.
  • Check Your Driveway: A simple inspection of the driveway will identify any cracks and need for cleaning out and repairing. Any repairs made should be coated with a commercial sealer.
  • Inspect the Pool Cover: Take time to examine your pool cover for any damages and need for replacement.

Interior Maintenance

  • Apply Weather Stripping and Caulk: Proper sealing of your interior will save you up to 20% on cooling and heating costs. Proper sealing of the windows and doors will prevent any form of air leaks.
  • Inspect your Fireplace and Woodstove: Ensure your wood stove is in working condition before the cold season hits. Clean and inspect the glass door for cracks, seal the door gasket, and clean the chimney.
  • Hire a Licensed Heating Contractor to Inspect Your Heating System: The contractor will ensure the heating system is functional, and give you peace of mind in the coming winter season.
  • Examine Smoke and Carbon Dioxide Detectors: take the time to test and change the batteries in your detectors, and ensure you have extra household batteries in hand.
  • Change the Ceiling Fan Direction: Changing the direction of the fan will create an upward draft, which will redistribute warm air from the ceiling.
  • Clean the Humidifiers: Humidifiers require regular cleaning during the heating seasons as spores and bacteria can develop if the water tank is dirty, leading to unclean moisture misting out into the house.
  • Vacuum the Air Conditioners Internal Parts: You can prevent rusting of the vital parts by removing units from windows or wrapping the outside box with a plastic air conditioner cover or approved tarp.
  • Inspect Basement Windows: Check for any draft, cracked panes, or loose frame.

Hire Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Windows

With so many components to inspect and repair during the fall, hiring a professional contractor will ensure you do not miss anything. Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Windows, LLC is a trusted licensed general contractor, specializing in roofing, siding, windows, and gutters. Our experienced staff will inspect every aspect of your home, ensuring it is in good condition for the coming cold season.





A Checklist for Home Maintenance During Fall2021-09-22T10:36:23-05:00

Should You Get A Roof Repair or A Patch?

Should You Get A Roof Repair or A Patch?

August 2021 by Heartland Roofing Siding and Windows

Roof Repair

If your roof has been damaged, you are probably wondering whether to get it repaired or patched. While the two options may offer you the solution that you want, some situations will demand a roof repair while others will only need a patch. Understanding the differences between the two can help you make a better decision.

When is Roof Repair Appropriate?
A roof repair refers to any type of repair on your roof, including fixing leaks, wear and tear, and damages. You can either replace the entire roof or repair specific components. On one hand, roof replacement is done when the majority of the roof shows damage. You can consider replacing your roof at 20 years old or younger if it has already started showing damage or after a natural disaster such as strong winds or a hurricane.

A roof repair may be needed when the majority of your roof is in good condition, and leaks are present only in certain parts. A repair is also ideal when only a tile is damaged or a part of the roof needs replacement. However, it is important to maintain your roof regularly to reduce the risk of damage.

When to Get a Roof Patch
A roof patch simply means fixing a small part of your roof or replacing a few shingles. In other words, rood patches are small and convenient repairs for small damages on your roof. You may either patch the roof or replace your shingles.

When patching up a leaking or damaged section of the roof, make sure you identify any underlying damage to other parts of the roof. Once complete, patching may also affect other sections of the roof not repaired. Therefore, choose materials and shingles that match the materials of your existing roof. Although you may not achieve a 100% match on the colors, the patch should fit seamlessly.

Sometimes, you need to replace one or several shingles to repair a leak. In such cases, the roof expert will examine your roof and identify the extent of the damage in shingles. This will then be used as a basis for the replacement and ensuring it fits well.

Let Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Windows, LLC
Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Windows, LLC comprise a team of experts in taking care of your home. Our professionals will help repair your roof as needed and help you overcome the damages that come with summer.

Think you need repair or want a professional opinion about your roof’s health? Call us at 800-681-4169 or on our CONTACT PAGE to request an appointment from one of our trained professional inspectors.




Should You Get A Roof Repair or A Patch?2021-08-27T14:26:38-05:00

Top 7 DIY Roof Maintenance Tips for Minnesota Homeowners

Top 7 DIY Roof Maintenance Tips for Minnesota Homeowners

July 2021 by Heartland Roofing Siding and Windows


One of the ways of ensuring your roof lasts longer is regular maintenance. Regardless of the quality of your residential roofing materials, they will deteriorate with time due to wear and tear bad weather, and other factors. The following are some of the important roof maintenance tips that can come in handy for homeowners in Minnesota:

  1. Trim Tree Branches
    The first thing you will want to do is to trim tree branches surrounding your home. While mature trees tend to create a warm and welcoming aesthetic to your home, branches tend to drop leaves, seeds, twigs, and other wet materials into your roof. When these materials rot, they make the roof rot as well. Regular trimming will keep your roof safe and in good condition for longer.
  1. Clean Your Gutters and Downspouts
    Clogged gutters that do not drain efficiently are hazardous to your home. They increase the risk of your roof edges and eaves absorbing standing water or overflowing. This can lead to mold and mildew, increasing the risk of roof rot. On the other hand, clogged downspouts crease the risk of water damage to your home’s roof. Cleaning both the gutters and downspouts regularly will keep the roof clean while reducing the risk of roof damage.
  1. Keep Gutter Connections Clean
    The gutter connections should not be left unchecked. Even with clean gutters, the weight and impact of rain tend to pull the channels away from the eaves. The water then splashes in the gaps between the gutters and the roof, creating another risk factor for roof rot. Checking on these connections will ensure they are always clean and that water flows smoothly.
  1. Buy a Roof Broom
    The importance of a roof broom cannot be overemphasized. The roof will always have twigs, leaves, and other debris that tend to pile up. Some people wait for the debris to break up and be blown away, but a good roof broom will help you keep the roof clean at all times. Investing in a good roof broom allows you to easily dislodge and remove residue from the roof, sweeping it away before creating risk for damage.You may also notice algae, mold, moss, and mildew forming on your roof. These biological 291  243            substances can grow fast and start loosening shingles or holding moisture that can cause roof rot. To keep your roof safe, sweep and wash off as soon as you notice them.
  1. Install Leaf Guards
    The purpose of leaf guards is to stand over the top of downspouts and gutters. They act as barriers, blocking leaves, seeds, twigs, and other debris from entering the gutter. Consequently, they reduce the risk of clogs significantly. Since they are readily available and simple to install, investing in leaf guard is a wise decision.
  1. Check Water Marks on the Attic
    You should check for watermarks on the ceiling of your home’s attic or crawl space. The presence of watermarks means that your roof needs repairs or maintenance. Noticing these marks will help you make the repairs early before the damage gets worse.
  1. Check Your Flashing
    Homeowners often overlook flashing in their regular roof inspection. Flashing is a water-resistant material, which is applied around the valleys and seams of the roof. It helps in providing a barrier against moisture in new vents, chimneys, and dormers. If the flashing material is cracked, curled, bent, or damaged, it will need immediate repair or replacement.

Hire Heartland Roofing, Siding and Windows, LLC

While you may do some of the roofing maintenance yourself, you may need professional help to get everything done. Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Windows, LLC have been offering professional roofing maintenance services to homeowners in Minnesota for years. We inspect every aspect of your roofing, closely examining all components, and address even the smallest damage. Hire our services today and have your roof inspected at least once a year to keep you and your family safe.

Think you need repair or want a professional opinion about your roof’s health? Call us at 800-681-4169 or on our CONTACT PAGE to request an appointment from one of our trained professional inspectors.




Top 7 DIY Roof Maintenance Tips for Minnesota Homeowners2021-07-29T14:00:56-05:00

Summer Roofing Maintenance

Summer Roofing Maintenance

June 2021 by Heartland Roofing Siding and Windows

Heartland roofing siding and windows - 2

Summer is here and the hottest months are coming. With it comes hail damage, high winds, heavy rain, and a scorching sun that can potentially damage your roof. As the heat continues to rise, there are a few things you can do to prepare your home for the rest of this season. Make sure you stay on top of your roof maintenance with these top 7 summer roof maintenance tips.

Check for mold, moss, and algae.
Unfortunately, summer can bring rain and humidity – two conditions that encourage algae growth. Over time, algae can eat away your shingles and lead to roof decay. Algae can be found not only on roofs but also gutters due to the water buildup. Algae is especially evident during the summer months and can damage your roof and gutters if not appropriately addressed.

Over time, moss left on roofs can cause shingles to curl and crack. Heavy moss can block water, create buildup under the shingles, and eventually damage the roof deck. If you see moss or algae on your roof, remove it ASAP to prevent these problems. Mold damage can happen fast, so it’s essential to check your roof often.

Check your attic.
Did you know your attic can heat up to 150 degrees during the summer? Your roof absorbs a lot of heat from the sun’s rays during the day, and it radiates into your attic air. A poorly ventilated attic with heat buildup can shorten the lifespan of your roof. The heat can cause your shingles to crack and curl, resulting in roof leaks. This is why attic insulation is critical in keeping the heat and moisture out during the summer.

It’s also important to look for any signs of moisture and mold in the rafters and attic during your summer roof maintenance since it can point to water leakage from your roof.

Here are some signs of roof mold damage you can see from your attic:

  1. If you discover watermarks along the ceiling or walls of your attic, your roof may have a hole.
  2. If your attic smells musty and you spot mildew across your ceiling, you have a roof leak.
  3. Discolored rafters mean the wood has absorbed the water from a leak above on your roof.

Replace missing shingles.
Replacing shingles may seem like a simple job but placing new shingles over old ones or using the wrong nails can lead to further damage. The wrong shingle could fade, crack, or even grow algae! For example, while inspecting a roof, walking on damaged shingles could cause more damage and lead to roof leaks in the future. Even small patchwork repairs may impact the overall health and safety of your roof. It’s because of these problems that many homeowners hire professionals to inspect and replace missing shingles.

Where Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Windows Come in
Summer hazards on your roof are in most cases unavoidable. When this happens, you will need to work with an expert to repair the damaged roof or replace it with a new one. Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Windows, LLC comprise a team of experts in taking care of your home. Our professionals will help repair your roof as needed and help you overcome the damages that come with summer.

Think you need repair or want a professional opinion about your roof’s health? Call us at 800-681-4169 or on our CONTACT PAGE to request an appointment from one of our trained professional inspectors.

Summer Roofing Maintenance2021-06-30T09:55:20-05:00
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